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Balkan Living

Be Your Own Florist

When the first hint of spring rolls around I start to look for Hyacinths in the store. I dig around the display looking for one that is at least a week away from blooming. I never buy the fully bloomed ones because after they bloom you literally have only a […]

Soups and Stews

Čorbast Pasulj / Bean Stew

If you’re a novice in the kitchen or just beginning to cook, this is the perfect recipe to get your feet wet. In Serbia there’s a saying “prosto ko pasulj” roughly translated to mean “as simple as beans”, a metaphor to describe just how easy something is to do/make. Like […]

Sides & Salads

Ruska Salata/Russian Salad

I bet you’re wondering why I’m posting a recipe called “Russian Salad” if this is a blog dedicated to Balkan recipes. Well let me tell you just how Balkan Russian Salad is. Based on my research, this salad is known more commonly as Olivye or Olivier salad and may include […]


Carska Pita / Tzar’s Pie

I’m the type of person who could make a meal out of appetizers. If I could choose, I would just skip the main dish altogether. If you’re familiar with Balkan culture, entertaining guests involves having some kind of Mezze before an actual meal. This usually involves smoked meats, cheeses, and […]


Balkan Bruschetta Trio

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for summer. For ice cold drinks, dining outside, and lots and lots of watermelon. Another thing I associate with summer and warm weather is light fare. Salads, small bites, and appetizers using fresh, in-season ingredients. Tomatoes always taste best in the […]

Balkan Living

The Smell of Home

What does home smell like to you? Is it the smell of a homemade meal? Or maybe it’s the smell of fabric softener floating on a warm breeze that makes you close your eyes and inhale deeply. Is it the smell of cigarette smoke that curls and dances from your […]