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Uštipci / Fried Dough

Before I moved to the USA, I had the luxury of eating fresh bread every day prepared by my grandmother. She would get up before sunrise to make the dough, proof it multiple times, and then form it into beautiful large rolls that she would then bake in a wood-burning […]


Čokolino Kuglice / Chocolino Truffles

I don’t know about you, but I’m not embarrassed to admit that I like “kid foods” every now and then. I have some Plazma keks in the pantry at all times for emergency (a.k.a. LAZY) meals, boxes of instant mac & cheese, and Chocolino. Oh, and you have Nesquick in […]


Ferrero Knedle / Ferrero Dessert Dumplings

Knedle sa sljivama or dessert dumplings with plums are the quintessential dessert in the Vojvodina region of Serbia, where they are called Gomboce. In fact, this dish is eaten all over Eastern and Central Europe, including the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary. Knedle are made from a potato-based dough, stuffed […]


Musaka sa Krompirom / Potato Musaka

You’ve probably heard of Moussaka, the famous Greek dish made with eggplant. But have you tasted the Balkan Musaka? The Balkan version is made with potato instead of eggplant and if you’re a meat and potato kind of girl/gal, this is truly the dish for you. Musaka is probably one […]


Deviled Eggs / Djavolja Jaja

It took me a long time to discover the deliciousness that is the deviled egg. I don’t know why I always refused to try them. Maybe because I also wasn’t too fond of mayonnaise either, so naturally, I had no interest in this delicate appetizer. I have noticed recently that […]


Kiflice Sa Sirom/ Feta Cheese Crescent Rolls

Birthday celebrations, special occasions, and get-togethers in the Balkans are not complete without baked goods or pastries of some kind. Even the most humble of households will always welcome guests with something homemade; there’s a recipe for every budget. Enter Kiflice. One of my favorite baked treats that you’ll often […]


Starinski Koh / Old Fashioned Koh

When I think of Koh, I remember my childhood. The sounds of the hand mixer in the kitchen and the smell of vanilla sugar. Then after some time I would start to smell the Koh baking in the oven. That smell I will never get tired of. It’s the smell […]