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Piroske sa Sirom/Feta Cheese Piroske

There’s nothing like waking up to a mountain of Piroske on a warm summer morning back home. Warm, soft, and bursting with feta cheese, these are one of our favorite breakfasts. I remember when my brother and I would go back home for summer break and would grab one of […]


Milka Torta / Milka Chocolate Cake

There’s nothing quite like being gifted a Milka chocolate bar as a child. If you’re from the Balkans then you know all about the significance of the chocolate bar. Balkan countries are known for their hospitality after all, so it’s not surprising that some form of gift is usually being […]

Desserts, Vegan/Posno

Bananica Rolat/Bananica Wafer Roll

A Balkan-style cookie tray wouldn’t be complete without some kind of wafer cookie. Whether that’s an Oblanda or something like this recipe that I’m sharing today, wafer cookies are a must when exploring the world of “sitni kolaci”. Bananica Rolat is a quick and easy addition that uses a traditional […]


Nutella Keks Torta/Nutella No-Bake Cake

The holidays have come and gone and I don’t know about you, but I was just not all that in the spirit this time around. However, the traditional recipes, the yummy foods and treats, and this cake really helped. 🙂 A no-bake Nutella Keks Torta was exactly what I needed […]


Orašćići/ Walnut Cookies

Orašćići are one of those cookies that look super complicated to make but really aren’t. In fact, these come together super easily. The most difficult part is actually stopping yourself from eating all of the filling with a spoon as you’re assembling them if I’m honest. Oh, and also handling […]

Soups and Stews

Gulaš/Balkan-Style Goulash

Fall is here and I say bring on all the comfort food. Pasulj, Krompir Paprikas, Teleca Corba, and all of the other yummy delicious stick-to-your-ribs meals that are so familiar this time of year. And as the days get cooler, nothing helps you fill up and warm up better than […]