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Jafa Kocke / Jaffa Cake Squares

Who doesn’t love Jafa Cakes? That dark blue box brought so much joy when we were young and now I sometimes see them sold by the foot in my European supermarket! You know I just have to get myself one, and because they are often sold during the holidays, we […]


Princes Krofne / Cream Puffs

When I think of celebrations, I think of Princes Krofne. No, neither cake nor savory delicacies come to mind. There’s something about Princes Krofne that makes me so happy. Even when the person making them isn’t very experienced, they still come out beautiful. A tray of these will take any […]


Slane Kuglice za Predjelo/Mini Cheese Balls

Celebrations, holidays, and slava season would not be complete without the first course, obligatory appetizer tray, or as it’s called in the Balkans predjelo or mezze. Predjelo is a combination of 2 words, pred (before) and jelo (food), so the word itself tells you it’s something you eat before food […]


Ruske Kape (Šubarice)/ Russian Hats

Ruske Kape/Russian Hats or Šubarice in some areas, are one of those interesting desserts that you find at most Balkan special occasions such as weddings, slava dinners, or at Balkan bakeries. The name comes from the dessert’s resemblance to Russian fur hats of the same shape. A Šubara is the […]


Apple Roses / Ružice sa Jabukama

Last weekend, my husband and I went apple picking, one of our favorite Fall activities. As much as we love picking apples, we go for the apple cider donuts if we’re being honest here. The donuts are absolutely amazing at County Line Orchard in Hobart, Indiana. If you go early […]


Dulečnjak (Bundevara) / Balkan Pumpkin Pie

Fall is here, and with it comes crunchy bright leaves, hot comforting drinks, and pumpkin everything. While pumpkin is very popular every year, it seems this year it’s on a whole another level. Brands are coming out with all kinds of pumpkin-flavored products and I must admit I’m not totally […]