
Desserts and Sweets

Nenin Čizkejk / Nena’s Cheesecake

The one dessert I’m definitely known for is my čizkejk or cheesecake. It’s a creamy, aromatic experience on its own, but from time to time I like to mix it up and add some Balkan influence. It’s my favorite cake, so it’s often found on my special occasion menus and […]

Jafa Kocke / Jaffa Cake Squares

Who doesn’t love Jafa Cakes? That dark blue box brought so much joy when we were young and now I sometimes see them sold by the foot in my European supermarket! You know I just have to get myself one, and because they are often sold during the holidays, we […]

Princes Krofne / Cream Puffs

When I think of celebrations, I think of Princes Krofne. No, neither cake nor savory delicacies come to mind. There’s something about Princes Krofne that makes me so happy. Even when the person making them isn’t very experienced, they still come out beautiful. A tray of these will take any […]

Ruske Kape (Šubarice)/ Russian Hats

Ruske Kape/Russian Hats or Šubarice in some areas, are one of those interesting desserts that you find at most Balkan special occasions such as weddings, slava dinners, or at Balkan bakeries. The name comes from the dessert’s resemblance to Russian fur hats of the same shape. A Šubara is the […]

Oblanda sa Orasima / Walnut Wafer Cookies

When I was growing up and a holiday would roll around, or there was a celebration of some kind, us kids would be very excited, not only for a chance to play with our cousins and friends but also to eat as many sweets as possible. At these gatherings, grandmas […]

Zito sa Slagom / Serbian Wheat Pudding

One of the most symbolic dishes in Serbian culture and cuisine is Žito or wheat. This dish is used for many events throughout the year, such as the Slava, Orthodox Christmas, and when holding memorials for the dead, in which case the dish then gets a different name, Koljivo. And […]

Plazma Kuglice / Plazma Truffles

Who doesn’t love Plazma keks, or as it’s called in the USA, Lane Biscuits? If you’re from any of the former Yugoslav countries, this was probably the first solid food you ate. Because it’s so versatile, there are thousands of recipes using these cookies/crackers/biscuits ranging from cakes to something as […]

Rafaelo Kocke / Raffaello Squares

Who doesn’t love Rafaello treats? Well, I guess if you don’t particularly like coconut, that would be you. And if that’s the case, you probably shouldn’t continue reading. But for those of you who do love coconut, I’m about to make all of your coconut dreams come true. A few […]

Sutlijaš / Balkan Rice Pudding

Ahh, good old Sutlijaš (or Sutlija in some parts). The simple, sweet rice pudding Balkan kids grew up eating over and over again when there maybe weren’t many store-bought sweets around. I always loved this dessert and usually ate it every time my mom made Sarma or Punjene Paprike. Actually, […]